O² Sensors
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O2 Sensor |
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O2 Sensor |
A fundamental element in every semiconductor device is the ability to convert electrical signals into digital information. So far, we have been able to build devices that can be used with this conversion. When a voltage goes from one state to another state, our circuit converts it into an electrical current. This is called transmittance. We had transistors that did it with electrons coming from two different sides. With time, however, as all other transistor materials were introduced, the transistor became more and more susceptible to thermal effects like power dissipation. Consequently, all the transistors became less efficient and transistors became smaller and thinner for better performance.
One way to avoid these undesirable effects is using vacuum tubes. The principal component of such a device is an array of channels and electron beams. At the time of writing, there are five channels: left and right, forward and backward, up and down, right and left. In order to increase the number of channels used in the channel, the circuit uses higher power amplifiers.
We now have a clearer understanding of what happened to the transistor. As it was previously said, the transistor was not good at transferring electrical energy. When electrons come from two different sources, they often travel faster than expected. An exception would be for electrons generated by their source (like the charge of the battery) or when a person is running for example. If their body doesn’t want to move anymore, it would stop working. And so the electrons will also stop traveling by chance. It is like a ball going out from a water pipe without its cap (which is only half of the ball’s length). You cannot blame someone for being tired and not moving much. Similarly, electrons are not always good at moving. If they moved too fast and caused some problems, they could easily get loose. For instance, if you put a pin in your circuit and it gets wet with oil, it might not work properly and may damage the device. Similarly, if a voltage comes from above the battery, its potential may not be enough for the battery. It is often said that voltage measurement is inaccurate. Although a voltmeter may not work correctly, it still gives you an idea about how your circuit works and what you need to do to make it work appropriately. After a long time, our technology became stable enough to withstand more than two years now. Nowadays, we can safely say that it has reached an age where modern electronics are mature enough and reliable enough. There is no room for mistakes anymore at all levels.
In addition to the conventional approach (transistors, vacuum tubes), there are many more ways to achieve the same effect. Today I have got to work with three of them. First, you have PN transistors. These transistors are small, thin, but very efficient, and very effective. They convert the electrical electric potential in a single direction and transfer the transmissive field. Their application is mainly in low-power applications (cellphones, IoT, laptops), where they are the best option. In our case, PN transistors are able to convert the output voltage of our buffer to a digital signal. These transistors are extremely stable and their performance is high.
The second type is the PNP. By definition, they use silicon as the main base and p-type materials. This type is usually used in the manufacturing of microchips and other industrial products. Basically, these materials are polycrystalline. It means that they have lots of atoms oriented along two directions. As you move these molecules in different directions, they change their positions and form new molecules with the same dimensions. Moreover, unlike the standard types of transistor, they are made of layers of active material that act as transistors. These transistors are smaller and thinner which allows them to work better together with transistors (or better ones) that are larger and thicker. Furthermore, all the transistors are similar in size and dimensions. That means that they can function together.
In our case, our PNP transistors can perform efficiently in both cases. To control a buffer, it can be connected to the CPU of our laptop by connecting all outputs. During an intense run on the game of FIFA, this is perfect for controlling the camera. The input signals of our computer are sent via wire to this device. The desired result is to convert them into electrical signals that can be processed directly. These can be transferred or passed through a cable, used in the motherboard that connects the motherboard to the CPU.
The last type is the NPN. In essence, it converts the electrical signal from an optical signal into an electrical signal. The NPN is capable of converting light signals to something else. If there is any problem the NPN has, then we usually have to replace it with another type. Our NPN is an analog circuit. Its primary purpose is to convert electrical signals into either an electrical signal of a particular frequency. The most common applications are audio and video.
Our NPN can be used as a switch to connect any inputs of our system to any outputs of ours. On the other hand, when we turn the switch off, it turns the input to a particular output. All these types of switches are the essential building block of electronic circuits. Every device that we build uses the NPN to some extent. Some examples would be smart displays that we have nowadays, USB keyboards, wireless routers, etc.
In conclusion, I wanted to use all these types to design my own basic circuitry. As I think it is the first step to creating an entirely functional device. From this point, I am going to focus more on making an interface for our computers and less on hardware.